Storytelling, What a wonderfull tool.

Is it normal if we are as parents feel worry to see our child who are very talkactive? May be not. But in my experience the answer is "Yes". A few years ago it made me worry to see my giant boy Bima Anggara speaks english very fluent since 9-10 years old. We never expect him to speak english too soon. Starting with his favourite words "I kick your butt" or copying Kungfu Panda (a cartoon film character) acsent, he speaks English very very good comparing to me.

I knew that it was his strength. But honestly I can't imagine how to explore that miracle. Then I felt guilty about it. "Think Wulan, think!". As usual I always push myself to find answer. Then I think, I search, I explore so many possibilities to explore it to help him forming his self-concept through it. Until........I found this miracle words: "Storytelling".....!

Yaaaa, why not storytelling. That days I knew that it was a common competition in Indonesia. Hmmmmm....I think it was a good idea, because storytelling commonly conducts in English, and it must be need some acting skills. And my boy has it! He is fat but cute, he is a funy boy.

Then the shows go by one of storytelling competition passed away. Winning by winning was achieved by my giant boy Bima. Thanks God, finally he has a great self-confidence (especially infront of his big sister). He can show "the world" that "I am (also) good (as my sister)".

Honestly I felt sad for that point. As parents I and my husband never push my children beyond their potency, moreover to compete each other. But sadly we can avoid it. There were consequences that became an outstanding one will make others become inferior or may be jealous. And it happened in my family!

Psychologically speaking, Bima as a second child always compares himself to his big sis who already formed her self-concept and self-image as a good artist with so many famous reputations. No one can't blame Ava, and also Bima. Aaaah they are my two miracles in the world!

Back to storytelling, finally I found it as a media to form Bima confidence. This year Bima won as 1st winner at our city Bekasi then he represented the city to the province competition level. Again..........thanks God, he became the 1st winner of West Java province, so he must represent West Java province to national competition level!

Here a picture of him at province competition level or click

In the national level Bima was compete with 33 others brilliant contestant from all provinces in Indonesia. That was a very tight competition! Suprisingly I met so many brilliant kids even from small towns who can express themselves very very very well through storytelling!

They were very extrovert, very expressive and very talkactive. I am amaze to see them immediately close each other in a second! What a wonderful kids! And I also though about what a wonderful storytelling is as a tool to stimulate them like that.

Thanks God, Bima became one of the finalist. Although he did not win, there were so many life experiences he got from this storytelling journey.

It proven for me and my family that storytelling is a very effective way to develop children. It's not about win or loss. It's about how people can develop themselves through it. Believe me, it's such a wonderfull tool.

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